1. | Information Technology Department | Jitender Kumar Rana | Supdtt. Nodal officer | Information Technology Department 9th level,Wing-B, Delhi secretariat Delhi-110002 | 23392465 jitender[dot]rana23[at]gov[dot]in |
2. | General Administration Department | PRADEEP TAYAL | DEPUTY SECRETARY-II GAD | GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT ROOM NO.206, A-WING, LEVEL-2 DELHI SECRETARIAT, NEW DELHI | 23392006 pradeep[dot]tayal[at]gov[dot]in |
3. | Home Department | Dr. Shashipal Dabas | Nodal officer | Room no 505, C-wing, Fifth floor Delhi Sectt. New Delhi | 01123392042 dshome1[dot]delhi[at]nic[dot]in |
4. | Administrative Reforms Department | Ashish Kumar | Dy. Secretary | 7th Floor, C-Wing Delhi Secretariat, IP Estate, New Delhi-2 | 01123392422 arupdate[at]nic[dot]in |
5. | Art, Culture and Language Department | Mohammad Ahmed | Sr. Computer Operator | Art, Culture Languge Department 7th level, C-wing, Delhi Secretariat I P Estate New Delhi | 23392307 mohammad[dot]ahmed69[at]gov[dot]in |
6. | A.U.Tibbia College and allied units | DR B S Hiremath | Nodal officer | A AND U TIBBIA COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL KAROLBAGH, NEW DELHI 110005 | 01123682963 pmstibbiacollege[at]rediffmail[dot]com |
7. | Aruna Asaf Ali Hospital | subhash chand | administrative officer | Aruna Asaf Ali Govt.Hospital 5,Rajpur road | 23968938 aoaagh1[at]gmail[dot]com |
8. | Archaeological Department | SANJAY KUMAR GARG | Nodal officer | VIKAS BHAWAN - 2, 2nd Floor, B-Block, CIVIL LINES | 01123814026 depttofarchaeology[at]gmail[dot]com |
9. | Archives Department | Sanjay Kumar Garg | Archivist | 18-A, Satsang Vihar Marg Spl. Institutional Area New Delhi | 26512594 ddarchives[at]nic[dot]in |
10. | Directorate of Audit | Harsh Wardhan Dev | SR ACCOUNTS OFFICER | DIRECTORATE OF AUDIT 4TH LEVEL, C-WING, DELHI SECRETARIAT, NEW DELHI | 01123392280 saoaudit[at]nic[dot]in |
11. | Chief Ministers Office | Rajeev Kumar | Deputy Secretary | Room No.318, A-wing, Third Floor, Chief Minister Office, Delhi Sachivalaya Delhi | 23392317 dysecycmdelhi[at]gmail[dot]com |
12. | Chief Secretary Office | Pradeep Tayal | Deputy Secretary | General Administration Department Room No.-206, A Wing, 2nd Level Delhi Secretariat, I.P. Estate | 23392006 pradeep[dot]tayals[at]gov[dot]in |
13. | Central Jail | Amresh Kumar Goel | Dy. Superintendent (Legal Branch) | Office of the Director General of Prisons Prisons Headquarter, Near Lajwanti Garden Chowk Janak Puri | 01128520605 legalphq-tihar[at]delhi[dot]gov[dot]in |
14. | Chit Fund | Vinay Kumar | AAO. Nodal officer | Chit Fund Room No.1315 13th Floor, Vyapar Bhawan, I.P. State | 7827706900 catch2vinay[at]gmail[dot]com |
15. | Chief Electoral Office | BHUPENDRA KUMAR | ASSTT. CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER (ACEO) | ROOM No.43, O/o CEO, DELHI, OLD ST. STEPHEN COLLEGE BUILDING KASHMERE GATE, DELHI - 110006 | 01123918951 electionrti2016[at]gmail[dot]com |
16. | College of Art | chandershekhar adyalkar | Section Officer Nodal officer | 20-22 Tilak Marg New Delhi- 110001 | 23383612 prcoa[dot]delhi[at]nic[dot]in |
17. | Conservator of Forest Department | Amit Anand IFS | Deputy Conservator of Forests (PandM) | Department of Forests and Wildlife, GNCT Delhi VIKAS BHAWAN ITO NEW DELHI-110002 | 23370506 dcfpm[dot]gnctd[at]gov[dot]in |
18. | Registrar Co-operative Societies | DINESH | Assisant Registrar | Office of Registrar Coop. Societies, GNCTD Old Court Building, Parliament Street New Delhi - 110001 | 23748132 rcoop[at]gmail[dot]com |
19. | DDU Hospital | Dr. Rajesh Kohli | Medical Superintendent AE | DDU Hospital Hari Nagar New Delhi | 25125297 it[dot]dduh[at]gmail[dot]com |
20. | Delhi Technological University | Dr. Lokesh Garg | Assistant Registrar and Nodal officer | Delhi Technological University Shahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road Delhi-110042 | 27852189 rti[at]dtu[dot]ac[dot]in |
21. | Delhi Fire Service | Dr. S.K. Tomar | Dy. Chief Fire Officer | Headquarters, Delhi Fire Service Govt. of NCT of Delhi,Connaught Place, New Delhi 110001 | 23412025 dfcohq[dot]dlfire[at]nic[dot]in |
22. | Development Department | Sh. Pawan Chopra | Nodal officer | 5/9 UNDER HILL ROAD CIVIL LINES DELHI-110054 | 20832079 cdevlop[at]nic[dot]in |
23. | Drug Control | KAMAL RANJAN CHAWLA | DEPUTY DRUG CONTROLLER | DRUGS CONTROL DEPARTMENT DELHI | 9811262327 dirdcd[at]nic[dot]in |
24. | Directorate of Agricultural Marketing | LEENA HANS | Private Secretary | 49 Sham Nath Marg, Delhi 110054 | 23818294 dagri[at]sansad[dot]nic[dot]in |
25. | Directorate of Training, UTCS | Jyoti Seth | Assistant Director (Nodal officer) | SAME AS ABOVE Institutional Area, Vishwas Nagar Behind Karkardooma Court Complex | 9818341455 dutcs[at]nic[dot]in |
26. | Directorate of Economics & Statistics | ARCHANA | Nodal officer | Dte of Economics and Statistics B- Wing, IIIrd Floor, Vikas Bhawan-II Civil Lines, Near Metcalf House | 01123812844 jddes[dot]delhi[at]gov[dot]in |
27. | Directorate of Family Welfare | DR. SURESH SETH | CMO (SAG) | DIRECTORATE OF FAMILY WELFARE B,C WING, 7th FLOOR, VIKAS BHAWAN-II NEAR METCALF HOUSE, CIVIL LINES, | 01123813214 rtidfw2005[at]gmail[dot]com |
28. | Directorate of Health Services (DHS) | Dr. Anshul Mudgal | Nodal Officer | Directorate General of Health Services, GNCTD F-17, Karkardooma, Delhi-110032 | 9910588090 rtidhshq[at]gmail[dot]com |
29. | Attar Sain Jain Eye Hospital | Hari Charan Birua | Nodal officer | Attar Sain Jain Eye and General Hospital Lawrence Road Indl Area | 21788342 haricharan[dot]birua[at]gov[dot]in |
30. | Babu Jagjivan Ram Memorial Hospital | Dr. C.S. Bhogal | DMS (HR) | BJRM Hospital Jahangir Puri, Delhi | 01127631812 msbjrmh[dot]delhi[at]nic[dot]in |
31. | Bhagwan Mahavir Hospital | DEEPAK KUMAR | SECTION OFFICER | BHAGWAN MAHAVIR HOSPITAL GOVT OF NCT OF DELHI H-4/5, GURU HARKISHAN MARG, PITAMPURA | 27034539 msbmh-dhs-delhi[at]nic[dot]in |
32. | Dr. Hedgewar Arogya Sansthan Hospital | DR. Mirtunjay Kumar | Nodal officer | DOCTOR HEDGEWAR AROGYA SANSTHAN KARKARDOOMA ,DELHI-32 | 01122393155 drmirtunjay[at]gmail[dot]com |
33. | Dr. N C Joshi Memorail Hospital | Dr ujjwal kumar bhakta | medical officer | Dr nc joshi memorial hospital karol bagh, new delhi 110005 | 9911489248 ujjwalkbo[at]gmail[dot]com |
34. | Guru Govind Singh Govt. Hospital | Dr. Alice L. Thiek | Nodal officer | Guru Gobind Singh Govt. Hospital Raghubir Nagar | 9718518047 alicelthiek[at]gmail[dot]com |
37. | Maharishi Balmiki Hospital | Dr. AMIT SHOKEEN | CMO | Maharishi Balmiki Hospital Pooth Khurd Delhi-110039 | 9718502094 msmbh[at]nic[dot]in |
38. | Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya Hospital | Dr Mala Vinayak | Specialist HOD(Microbiology) | Room No 304 Third Floor Pt madan Mohan malaviya Hospital Malviya Nagar | 9953420029 ms_mnhosp[at]nic[dot]in |
39. | Acharya Shree Bhikshu Hospital | Dr Diwakar | PIO | Achryashree Bhikshu Govt. Hospital Moti Nagar New Delhi | 9717691894 drdiwakar26[at]gmail[dot]com |
40. | Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Hospital | Smt.Veena Gupta | Office Superintendent | Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Hospital East Patel Nagar, New Delhi 110008. | 01125881201 ms[dot]svbph[at]gmail[dot]com |
41. | Rao Tula Ram Memorial Hospital | Dr. Attar Singh Yadav | SMO | RAO TULA RAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL JAFFARPUR NEW DELHI | 9650490015 |
42. | Jag Pravesh Chandra Hospital | Sudhir Sharma | Section Officer | Jag Pravesh Chandra Hospital Shastri Park Delhi | 8130266661 msjpch2010[at]gmail[dot]com |
43. | Satyawadi Raja Harish Chandra Hospital (SRHC) | Dr. Rishi Anand | Head of Office (Specialist Anesthesia) | R. No. 106, First Floor SRHC hospital, Plot No. 30, Sector 7A Narela Delhi | 9968660975 mssrhch[at]gmail[dot]com |
44. | Dispensaries - Central District | Dr. Surender Kumar | Additional Chief District Medical Officer | Office of the Chief District Medical Officer Gali No. 4, Baghichi Alauddin NabiKarim, Paharganj | 01123616835 officeofcdmocd[at]gmail[dot]com |
45. | Dispensaries - East District | Dr. Rekha Rawat | CMO | 1st Floor, DGD Building, A-Block, Surajmal Vihar Delhi-110092 | 22374791 cdmo[dot]eastdelhi[at]gov[dot]in |
46. | Dispensaries - North District | RAM NATH SINGH | Nodal officer RTI | CHIEF DISTRICT MEDICAL OFFICE NORTH DGD BLDG. 1ST FLOOR ,GULABI BAGH 110007 | 9818918104 CMO_NZ[at]NIC[dot]IN |
47. | Dispensaries - North East District | Dr.Sandeep Gautam | Nodal officer | North East District A/4,G-1,Dilshad Garden Delhi-110095 | 8745011243 cdmoned[at]gmail[dot]com |
48. | Dispensaries - North West District | Dr. Amit Kanti Biswas | Nodal officer-MO | O/o CDMO, North West District DGD Building, Sec.13, Rohini | 01127861592 cdmonwddhs[at]gmail[dot]com |
49. | Dispensaries - South District | Sonam | SA | Office of CDMO, South District Begumpur, Malviya Nagar New Delhi | 26693339 cdmosouthrti[at]gmail[dot]com |
50. | Dispensaries - South-West District | Dr Anjana Kaushal | Chief District Medical officer , South West Distri | Office of Chief District Medical Office, Delhi sec-2, Dwarka , New Delhi-75 | 01125089596 cmosw-dhs-delhi[at]nic[dot]in |
51. | Dispensaries - West District | DR. SANTOSH KUMAR N | ACDMO (WD) | Chief District Medical Officer (West District) Delhi Govt. Dispensary Building A-2, Block Paschim Vihar New Delhi - 110063 | 01125255021 cmo_wz[at]nic[dot]in |
52. | Directorate of Small Savings | Ravinder Kumar | JD and Nodal officer | Directorate of small saving 4th level, Wing-A, Delhi secretariat Delhi-11002 | 9899126484 dirofsmallsavings[at]gmail[dot]com |
53. | Revenue Department | Sharad Kumar | SDM III (HQ) | 5, Sham Nath Marg Revenue Deptt. | 01123965184 sdmhq03[at]gmail[dot]com |
54. | Education Department | Mukesh Rawat | Section Officer | RTI(HQ), Room No.220, Dte. of Education, Old Sectt. | 01123890399 rtibranch220[at]gmail[dot]com |
55. | Directorate of Employment | Samir C Minz | Nodal officer | IARI COMPLEX, PUSA NEW DELHI | 01125847862 eostorehq[at]gmail[dot]com |
56. | Environment Department | Rajiv Ranjan | Joint Secretary | 6th Level, C-wing, Delhi Secretariat, | 8547427312 dsenv[at]nic[dot]in |
57. | Excise Department | K K Mishra | Assistant Commissioner | Excise Department L Block, Vikas Bhawan I P Estate, New Delhi | 23378368 kk[dot]mishra68[at]gov[dot]in |
58. | Finance Department | RAJEEV SHARMA | Section Officer/APIO/NODAL PIO(RTI) | Finance Department, GOVT. OF NCT OF DELHI Level-4th, Wing-A Delhi Secretariat , delhi | 01123392131 psfin[at]nic[dot]in |
59. | Power Department | Sanjay Kumar | Supdt (Power) | Department of Power, 8th Level, B Wing, Delhi Secretariat | 01123392790 sanjay[dot]kumar43[at]gov[dot]in |
60. | Department of Food, Supplies & Consumer Affairs | Manoj Kumar | Assistant Commissioner | Food and Supply Department K-Block, Vikas Bhawan I.P state , Delhi-110002 | 23370775 acpgc[dot]fs[at]gmail[dot]com |
61. | Forensic Science Laboratory | Dr. S.K. Paul | Senior Scientific Officer(Chemistry) | Forensic Science Laboratory GNCT, Sector-14, Rohini Delhi | 27555415 forensicdelhi[at]gmail[dot]com |
62. | G.B.Pant Hospital | Dr. Rashmi Mishra | CPIO | G B PANT Hospital, 01 J.L.Marg Delhi Gate New Delhi-02 | 01123234242 drrashmimishra[dot]gbph[at]nic[dot]in |
63. | Guru Nanak Eye Hospital | SH. TANUJ BHANOT | ADMIN OFFICER | GURU NANAK EYE CENTRE MAHARAJA RANJIT SINGH MARG NEW DELHI - 1100002 | 01123231955 gnecadmnofficer62[at]gmail[dot]com |
64. | Gurudwara Election | K. P. Kori | Superintendent | Directorate of Gurdwara Elections, Room No. 202-205, Second Floor, F-Block, Vikas Bhawan, I.T.O. | 23370225 dge[dot]2011[at]gmail[dot]com |
65. | Guru Teg Bahadur (GTB) Hospital | RAVINDER SINGH | DY. MEDICAL SUPDT | ROOM NO.330, 3rd FLOOR ADMINISTRATIVE BLOCK DELHI-110095 | 01122592760 drravinder[dot]singh[at]gov[dot]in |
66. | Health & Family Welfare Department | Mamta Sharma | Assistant Director | Health Family Welfare, Department, 9th Level, A-Wing Delhi Secretariat New Delhi-110002 | 01123392345 js[dot]hfwdelhigovt[at]gmail[dot]com |
67. | Higher Education Department | Sh. R P Meena | Admn. Officer | BTE Block TTE Complex TTE Complex Pitampura | 01127313036 dtehedu[at]gmail[dot]com |
68. | Home Guard & Civil Defence | D.S.RAWAT | Commandant(CTI) | Dte. Gen. of Home Guards, Nishkam Sewa Bhawan, CTI Complex Raja Garden | 9958897884 dsrawat2004[at]gmail[dot]com |
69. | Directorate of ISMH | Dr Yogita Munjal | Nodal officer | Directorate of AYUSH A & U Tibbia College Campus Karol Bagh | 7838980670 directorateofismh[at]gmail[dot]com |
70. | Industries Department | Chandra Shekhar | Deputy Commissioner | 419, Udyog Sadan, Patparganj Industrial Area, Delhi | 22157026 chandra[dot]shekhar67[at]gov[dot]in |
71. | Information & Publicity Department (DIP) | Harish Kumar Sharma | SECTION OFFICER | Information and Publicity Department Block-9, old secretariat , Delhi-54 | 23810280 admnbranchdip[at]gmail[dot]com |
72. | Irrigation & Flood Control Department | SHIV KUMAR | Nodal officer | O/o the Chief Engineer, IFC Department Govt. of NCT of Delhi L M Bund Office Complex Shastri Nagar | 21210884 ifceepnd[at]gmail[dot]com |
73. | Labour Department | Poonam Kalra | SPIO (HQ) | Office of the Labour Commissioner 5 Sham Nath Marg | 23928918 rtilabour0[at]gmail[dot]com |
74. | Land & Building Department | Rakesh Das | Dy. Secretary | Land Building Deptt B Block, Vikas Bhawan IP Estate | 01123378755 rtilandbuild[at]gmail[dot]com |
75. | Public Works Department | Lalita Sharma | AHC | The Office of The Secretary PWD Public Works Department 3rd Floor,MSO Building, I.P.Estate, New Delhi | 23392292 piopwd[at]gmail[dot]com |
76. | Ambedkar Institute of Technology | Palla Dasthagiraiah | Senior Lecturer | Ambedkar Institute of Technology Shakarpur Delhi | 22023594 ap[dot]delhi[at]nic[dot]in |
77. | Aryabhat Institute of Technology | S.K Trivedi and D.K. Sainy | Lecturer | Aryabhat Institute of Tecnology G.T. Karnal Road Delhi-110033 | 01127426263 abitdelhi[at]gmail[dot]com |
78. | Bhai Parmanand Institute of Business Studies | SAMPURNANANDA MISHRA | LECTURER-SELECTION GRADE | BHAI PARMANAND INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS STUDIES, SHAKARPUR DELHI | 9810597087 sampurnmishra[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in |
79. | Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences | Rajkumar | Nodal officer | Deptt. of Computer Science, Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciecnes Sector-2, Dwarka | 9560512733 raj[dot]kumar[at]bcas[dot]du[dot]ac[dot]in |
80. | Board of Homeopathic System of Medicines | Deepak Lamsal | U.D.C | Board of Homoeopathic System Of Medicine, Delhi 4th Floor, B-Wing, GPO Building, Vikas Bhawan-2, Delhi | 01123818637 registrar[dot]bhsd10[at]yahoo[dot]com |
81. | Board of Technical Education | Smt. Poonam | System Analyst | Muni Maya Ram Marg, Pitam Pura Board of Technical Education Delhi-88 | 9971386481 poonam[dot]39[at]gov[dot]in |
82. | Chacha Nehru Super Speciality Children Hospital | AMITABH BACHCHAN | SECTION OFFICER | ROOM NO.10 ADMINISTRATION BRANCH CHACHA NEHRU BAL CHIKITSALAYA GEETA COLONY, DELHI-110031 | 01121210212 admncnbc[at]gmail[dot]com |
83. | Chaudhary Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan | Dr. Yogesh Kumar Pandey | Associate Professor and Nodal officer | Chaudhary Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan Village - Khera,Dabar Najafghard,Delhi | 65172030 cbpayurved[at]gmail[dot]com |
84. | Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research | J Swaminathan | Assistant Professor | Dipsar, Pushp Vihar Sector-3 MB Road Delhi-110017 | 01129553675 j[dot]swaminathan80[at]gov[dot]in |
85. | Commission for OBC | Sh. Sandeep Sharma | ASO | Commission for Other Backward Classes, Vth Floor, Vikas Minar, I.P. Estate New Delhi | 23379598 obccdelhi[at]gmail[dot]com |
86. | DCC Wholesale Stores Ltd | Rajesh Panwar | Manager | Delhi Consumer Cooperative Wholesale Store Ltd Karampura Road, Moti Nagar, | 25165324 dapnabazar[at]yahoo[dot]com |
87. | Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College | Dr. Hem Chand Jain | Associate Professor, Commerce | Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College University of Delhi Sector-3, Dwarka, | 01125099381 rtidducollege[at]gmail[dot]com |
88. | Delhi Agriculture Marketing. Board | Ashok Kumar | Dy. Secretary | 9, Institutional Area, Pankha Road Janakpuri, New Delhi-58 | 8587093433 ambdl[at]nic[dot]in |
89. | Delhi Bhartiya Chikitsa Parishad | Dr. Raghuram Ayyagari | Registrar | Delhi Bhartiya Chikitsa Parishad Central Shopping Center 3rd, B-Block, Preet Vihar, Delhi | 9311500922 dbcp111[at]gmail[dot]com |
90. | Delhi Commission for Safai Karamcharis | Sunil Shanwal | Supdtt. Nodal officer | Delhi Commission for Safai Karamchari 5477/72,Kalyan Bhawan, Kikar Wala Chock Regarpura , Karol Bagh, New Delhi | 25752690 dcsk_2006[at]yahoo[dot]in |
91. | Delhi Commission for Women | Sundeep Kumar | Assistant Secretary | O/o Delhi Commission for Women C- Block, 2nd Floor, Vikas Bhawan I.P. Estate, ITO | 25750320 msdcw[dot]delhi[at]nic[dot]in |
92. | Delhi Co-operative Housing Finance Corporation. Ltd. | PRITI PANDEY | STENOGRAPHER GR I | DELHI CO-OP. HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION LTD. 3/6, SIRI FORT INSTITUTIONAL AREA, AUGUST KRANTI MARG | 42707712 support[at]dchfcdelhi[dot]nic[dot]in |
93. | Delhi Dialogue & Development Commission | Sh. Pradeep Tayal | Deputy Secretary and Nodal officer | Delhi Dialogue and Development Commission 33, Sham Nath Marg Delhi-110054 | 9811456333 dsddc[dot]delhi[at]gmail[dot]com |
94. | Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission | Abhishek Moza | Dy Secretary | Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission Viniyamak Bhawan, C-Block, shivalik Malviya Nagar, New Delhi | 41601640 ds[at]derc[dot]gov[dot]in |
95. | Delhi Homeopathic Anusandhan Parishad | Dr. Sudhir Kumar Sharma | Dy. Director(DHAP) | Delhi Homeopathic Anusandhan Parishad CSC-III,First floor, B- Block, Preet Vihar Delhi | 9868396470 ddhomoeopathy[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in |
96. | Delhi Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology | Smt. Ritu Arora | Nodal Officer | Delhi Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Lajpat Nagar-IV New Delhi-110024 | 26422174 principaldihm[at]yahoo[dot]com |
97. | Delhi Jal Board | AMIT JAIN | Nodal officer(RTI) | Delhi Jal Board (HQ),Room No.1 Varunalaya Ph-I Karol Bagh,N Delhi 110005 | 23678380 secy[dot]djb[at]nic[dot]in |
98. | Delhi Khadi and Village Industries Board | RAJESH KUMAR | HEAD OF OFFICE | Delhi Khadi and Village Industries Board Nigam Bhawan, 5th Floor Kashmere Gate | 9718633660 acpdkvib[dot]delhi[at]nic[dot]in |
99. | Delhi Labour Welfare Board | Arun Kumar | Administrative Officer, Nodal officer | Delhi Labour Welfare Board Kirby Place Delhi Cantt, Delhi Delhi | 9990481799 dlwb-wc[at]delhi[dot]gov[dot]in |
100. | Delhi Legal Services Authority | Meenakshi Juyal | Nodal officer | Delhi Central Office, Rouse Avenue Courts Complex New Delhi | 23231625 estabwing-dslsa[at]nic[dot]in |
101. | Delhi Legislative Assembly Secretariat | SHRI RANJIT SINGH BISHT | SECTION OFFICER | DELHI LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OLD SECREATRIAT DELHI 110054 | 01123890107 dysecyadmn[dot]dvs-dl[at]gov[dot]in |
102. | Delhi Minority Commission | Sh. Ramkesh Meena | Head of Office and Nodal officer | Delhi Minority Commission C-Block,First Floor,Vikas Bhawan I.P. Estate , New Delhi-110002 | 9868761069 dmc_nct[at]rediffmail[dot]com |
103. | Delhi Nursing Council | Savita Vashist | Registrar | Delhi Nursing Council Ahilya Bai College of Nursing Building Lok Nayak Hospital | 23238304 registrar[at]delhinursingcouncil[dot]com |
104. | Delhi Pharmacy Council | Mukesh Kumar Sharma | Nodal officer | Delhi Pharmacy Council, Room No. 198, Old Secretariat, Delhi 110054 | 7503581976 delhiexp456[at]gmail[dot]com |
105. | Delhi Pollution Control Committee | P.S. Pankaj | Envi. Engg. and Nodal officer | Delhi Pollution Control Committee 5th floor ISBT Building kashmere gate | 01123864533 dpccrti[at]gmail[dot]com |
106. | Delhi Power Con. Ltd. (Transco) | Dr. Rishi Raj | Public Relations Officer, Nodal officer | Delhi Transco Ltd Room No.705,7th floor,Shakti sadan ,Kotala Road Delhi-110002 | 23234761 prodelhitransco[at]yahoo[dot]com |
107. | Delhi SC/ST/OBC/Min. & Handicapped Finance & Development Corp. Ltd | A.K Bhatnagar | Manager.Nodal officer | Ambedakar Bhawan, Sector-16, Institutional Area Rohini Delhi | 27572692 akbadarsh[at]yahoo[dot]com |
108. | Delhi State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd (DSCSC) | SH. SUMIT GARG | nodal officer | Delhi State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited 7-9, Aapurti Bhawan, Arambagh, Paharganj, ND-55 | 9718011811 Sumitgarg[dot]dscsc[at]gmail[dot]com |
109. | Delhi State Election Commission | Kuldeep Singh | Superintendent | State Election Commission Nigam bhawan old hindhu college kashmere gate | 23994739 stateelectioncomm[dot]delhi[at]gmail[dot]com |
110. | Delhi State Hajj Committee | ASHFAQUE AHMAD ARFI | EXECUTIVE OFFICER | DELHI STATE HAJ COMMITTEE, HAJ MANZIL, ASAF ALI ROAD | 23230507 delhistatehajcommittee[at]gmail[dot]com |
111. | Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd.(DSIIDC) | Anju Mehta | Company Secretary | Plot No. 74-A, MCD Property Tax Building, Lajpat Nagar-III New Delhi-110024 | 23327789 nodalofficer[dot]rti[at]gmail[dot]com |
112. | Delhi States Aids Control Society | Ms. Sangeeta Joshi | Nodal officer | Delhi State AIDS Control Society Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hospital Dharamshala Block, Rohini sector-6 | 01127055660 sangeeta[dot]pao5[at]gmail[dot]com |
113. | Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) | Sh.Bijender Singh | Dy. Secy. (RTI) and Nodal officer | Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSS Karkardooma Delhi | 01122370308 dsssb-secy[at]nic[dot]in |
114. | Delhi Tourism and Transportation Development Corporation (DT&TDC) | Maniksha Bakshi | Nodal Officer | 18-A,DDA SCO COMPLEX, DEFENCE COLONY, New Delhi - 110 024 | 01124618026 edpho[at]delhitourism[dot]gov[dot]in |
115. | Delhi Transport Corporation | Sh. Jagdish Prasad | Sr. Manager | PIO (H.Qrs.), Scindhia House, Cannaught Place, New Delhi | 23320694 piohq[at]dtc[dot]nic[dot]in |
116. | Delhi Wakf Board | Mohit Aggarwal | L.D.C. | 5028, Daryaganj, New Delhi 110002 | 01123274412 dwb_5028[at]hotmail[dot]com |
117. | Department for Welfare of SC/ST/OBC/Minorities | MANOJ CHUBEY | Statistical Officer/ PIO | 2nd Floor, B-Block, Vikas Bhawan I.P. Estate | 01123378164 scstsecretary[at]gmail[dot]com |
118. | Deputy Apprenticeship Advisor | Sh. Maharaj Mandal | Surveyor Jr. Apprenticeship Advisor Nodal officer | Deputy Apprenticeship Advisor BTC Pusa, New Delhi-110012 | 9718887534 maharaj[dot]mandal[at]gov[dot]in |
119. | DFC (New Delhi & Chandigarh) | CHANDER MOHAN | DEPUTY MANAGER(IT) | Delhi Financial Corporation 37-38, Pankha Road Institutional Area, D-Block, Janakpuri, New Delhi -110058 | 9910267116 dgmdfc[dot]delhi[at]nic[dot]in |
120. | Directorate of Vigilance | Subhash Chand | Assistant Director | Directorate of Vigilance, 4 level , Delhi Sectt. C wing Delhi | 01123392209 dvigil[at]nic[dot]in |
121. | Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hospital | Nodal Officer | Nodal officer | Delhi | |
122. | Dr. B.R.Ambedkar University | Anshu Singh | Assistant Registrar | Ambedkar University Delhi Lothian Road Kashmere Gate | 23863742 anshusingh[at]aud[dot]ac[dot]in |
123. | Ambedkar Institute of Advance Communication Technologies and Research | M.GANGADHARAPPA | NODAL OFFICER | NSUT EAST CAMPUS (FORMERLY AIACTR) Geeta Colony, Delhi | 01121210161 m[dot]gangadharappa[at]nsut[dot]ac[dot]in |
124. | Dr. B.R.Sur Homeopathy Medical College & Hospital | DR PRABIR MANNA | PROFESSOR | DR B R SUR HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE HOSPITA NANAKPURA, MOTIBAGH NEW DELHI-110021 | 9868393222 drprabirmanna[at]gmail[dot]com |
125. | Food Safety Department | Ranjeet Singh | Administrative Officer | 8th Floor Mayur Bhawan Connaught Place New Delhi | 23413494 aocfss[dot]delhi[at]nic[dot]in |
126. | G B Pant Institute of Technology | Rajesh B. Walde | Lecturer and Nodal officer | G B Pant DSEU Okhla-III Campus Okhla Phase - III New Delhi | 01126826620 rajesh[dot]b[dot]walde[at]desu[dot]ac[dot]in |
127. | Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University | Naveen Bhardwaj | CPIO, GGSIPU | Room No 12 GGS IP University Sector 16 C Dwarka | 25302163 cpio[at]ipu[dot]ac[dot]in |
128. | Guru Nanak Dev Institute of Technology | MUNESH MEENA | Assistant Professor and Nodal officer | Guru Nanak Dev Institute of Technology RNO 27 Sector-15, Rohini Delhi-110089 | 8826758404 gndpoly[dot]delhi[at]nic[dot]in |
129. | Hindi Academy | Jagdishchandr Sharma | Assistant Secretary(Program) | Hindi Academy, Delhi Samuday Bhawan, Padam Nagar, Kishanganj, Delhi-110007 | 8882431777 hindi-academy[at]delhi[dot]gov[dot]in |
130. | Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women (IGDTUW) | Prof. R.K.Singh | Professor | Indira Gandhi Delhi Technic University for Women Kashmere Gate | 23900260 nodalofficer[at]igdtuw[dot]ac[dot]in |
131. | Indraprastha Power Generation Co. Ltd. (GENCO) | Y.K. Singh | ASO(HR) | Indraprastha Power Generation Co. Ltd. (GENCO) Rajghat power house office complex ,Delhi Delhi-2 | 01123244801 yk[dot]singh[at]ipgcl-ppcl[dot]nic[dot]in |
132. | Institute of Human Behaviour and Allied Sciences (IHBAS) | PIO ADMIN | Nodal officer | Institute of Human Behaviour Allied Sciences Dilshad Garden, Delhi 110095 | 22597750 subrat1[at]gmail[dot]com |
133. | Kasturba Institute of Technology For Woman | Akhilesh Kumar | Associate Professor (Electronics) | Kasturba DSEU Pitampura Campus, Muni Maya Ram Marg, Pitampura, Delhi-110034 | 01127319394 akhilesh_kp[at]rediffmail[dot]com |
134. | Lok Nayak Hospital | Dr Kumud Bharti | Nodal officer | Public Information Officer Lok Nayak Hospital, 2 JLN Marg New Delhi 110002 | 23501012 kumud[dot]bharti23[at]gov[dot]in |
135. | Lt. Governors Secretariat | Rajesh Ranjan | Dy. Secretary | LG Secretariat, Raj Niwas | 23925341 piolg[dot]delhi[at]nic[dot]in |
136. | Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences | Dr. Priyank Rai | Professor | 4th Floor, Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, BSZ Marg, New Delhi-110002. | 9654700965 ddamaids[at]gmail[dot]com |
137. | Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC) | Smt. Rita Vohra | Section Officer (E-I) | Establishment-I 2-BSZ Marg Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi-02 | 23239271 rti[dot]mamc[at]gmail[dot]com |
138. | Meera Bai Institute of Technology | Suresh Babu | Nodal officer | Delhi LECTURER (Selection Grade) Meera Bai Institute of Technology, Maharani Bagh | 9971430297 sureshdtte[at]gmail[dot]com |
139. | National Cadet Corps | Sandeep | Section Officer/Link officer | NCC Department, GNCT of Delhi NCC Bhawan, Sector - 19, Rohini,New Delhi | 27890417 aostatencc[at]gmail[dot]com |
140. | Nehru Homoeopathy Medical College & Hospital (NHMC&H) | Dr. Rakesh Ramanbhai Thakkar | Professor | Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital B-Block, Defence Colony, New Delhi 110024 | 24334225 rtinhmc24[at]gmail[dot]com |
141. | Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology (NSIT) | Himanshu Singhal | Nodal officer | Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology Azad Hind Fauz Marg, Sector 3 Dwarka, New Delhi | 9205475058 hsinghal[dot]nsit[at]gmail[dot]com |
142. | Planning Department | SEEMA JOSHI | Asstt. Director | level 6 Delhi Secretariat | 23392001 jdplg[at]nic[dot]in |
143. | Directorate of Training and Technical Education | SANJEEV KUNDU | Nodal officer | DTTE, MUNI MAYA RAM MARG PITAMPURA DELHI | 27321014 piohqtte[at]gmail[dot]com |
144. | Principal Accounts Office | K.V BABU | DEPUTY CONTROLLER OF ACCOUNTS (TECHNICAL) | PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTS OFFICE, GNCT OF DELHI , ROOM NO. 107, B BLOCK, VIKAS BHAWAN, IP ESTATE NEW DELHI 110002 | 01123370764 dcoatecpao[dot]delhi[at]gov[dot]in |
145. | Prohibition Department | Karam Chand | Assistant Director | Directorate of Prohibition/Deptt WCD ISBT Complex kashmeri Gate | 23862644 nksushil[at]gmail[dot]com |
146. | Public Grievances Commission | Sh. Rajeev Chhabra | Dy Secretary | M Block Vikas Bhawan I P Estate New Delhi | 23379900 pgcdelhi[at]nic[dot]in |
147. | Public Works Department (PWD) - Engineer in Chief | Dy. Director (Monitoring) | Dy. Director (Monitoring) | O/o The Engineer-in-Chief, Public Works Departme 12th Floor, MSO Building, I.P.Estate, New Delhi 110002 | 01123490439 dirm-pwd[at]delhi[dot]gov[dot]in |
148. | Punjabi Academy | Sh. Vijay Nagpal | Deputy Secretary (Accounts) | Punjabi Academy,Govt. of NCT of Delhi DDA Community Centre, Sadar Thana Road, Motia Khan, Paharganj, New Delhi-110055 | 23528532 secretarypunjabiacademy[at]gmail[dot]com |
149. | Pusa Institute of Technology | GDANIEL | Nodal officer | Pusa Institute of Technology, pusa campus New Delhi-110012 | 01125847822 e4pusa[at]yahoo[dot]com |
150. | Rajiv Gandhi Super Speciality Hospital | Dr. Akashdeep Kumar | Nodal officer | RAJIV GANDHI SUPER SPECIALITY HOSPITAL TAHIRPUR | 9454136447 akashdeepmorgssh[at]gmail[dot]com |
151. | Rajya Sainik Board | Cmde Ajay Saxena, (Retd.) VSM | Director Sainik Welfare-cum-Secretary RSB | 1, Rajpur Road, Opposite Tiz Hazari Court, | 01123991876 rsbdelhi[at]nic[dot]in |
152. | Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital | Mrigendra Das | Deputy Medical Superintendent | Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital Mangolpuri Delhi-110083 | 27922843 mssgmh[at]rediffmail[dot]com |
153. | Sanskrit Academy | Dinesh Chandra Sharma | Assistant Publisity Officer | Plot No.5, Jhandewalan, Karol Bagh, New Delhi | 23635592 delhisanskritacademy[at]gmail[dot]com |
154. | Services Department | Sh. Yogendra Singh Uniyal | Nodal Officer | Delhi 5th Level, B-Wing, Delhi Secretariat I.P Estate, New Delhi | 23392237 ds-services2[at]delhi[dot]gov[dot]in |
155. | Sharda Ukil School of Art | Mr. Rajdeep Singh Sinhmar | Principal | Sarada Ukil School of Art, Govt. of NCT of Delhi 66/1, Janpath, New Delhi-110001 | 9311138348 rajdeep[dot]sinhmar[at]gmail[dot]com |
156. | Sindhi Academy | Praveen Anwani | Publication Officer | CPO Building, Kashmere Gate Delhi-110006 | 23862848 sindhiacademy[at]gmail[dot]com |
157. | Social Welfare Department | Sh. Anil Kumar | Nodal officer (Dy Dir.) | Department of Social Welfare, 7th floor, MSO Building I.P. Estate New Delhi-110002 | 23713613 dswgrievance[at]gmail[dot]com |
158. | State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) | Mukesh Kr. Tyagi | Admn.-cum-Vig. Officer | VARUN MARG DEFENCE COLONY NEW DELHI | 01124331356 pioscertdelhi[at]gmail[dot]com |
159. | Tourism Department | SUNITA KALRA | Nodal officer | VIKAS BHAWAN-II 2ND FLOOR, C WING NEAR METCALFE HOUSE | 01123812940 tourism[dot]gnctd[at]gmail[dot]com |
160. | Trade & Taxes (Sales Tax) Department | Jitendra Kumar Arora | Nodal officer | Trade and Taxes Department Vyapar Bhawan I. P. Estate New Delhi-110002 | 01123352310 jitendra[dot]arora21[at]gov[dot]in |
161. | Transport Department | Mr. Sunil Sehgal | Dy. Commissioner | TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT GOVT OF NCT OF DELHI | 01120832760 rticapio[at]gmail[dot]com |
162. | Urban Development | Arvind Jain | Nodal Officer | 9th floor c wing Delhi Secretariat | 01123392218 arvind[dot]jain6989[at]delhi[dot]gov[dot]in |
163. | Urdu Academy | Uzair Hasan | Sr. Assistant | CPO Building Kashmere Gate Delhi-6 | 23863858 urduacademydelhi[at]gmail[dot]com |
164. | Vigilance and Anti Corruption | Raj Rani Sharma | ACP | Anti Corruption Branch 5th Floor, Vikas Bhawan-II, Civil Lines Delhi- 110054. | 01123812906 jtcp-anticorrupt-dl[at]delhipolice[dot]gov[dot]in |
165. | Weight & Measures Department | Saveena Dabas | Nodal officer | Weights and Measures Department Room no 117 Vikas Bhawan New Delhi 110002 | 9643914381 acwmhq[at]gmail[dot]com |
166. | Women & Child Development Department | Gurmeet Kaur | Nodal Officer RTI | Department of Women and Child Development HQ 2nd Floor Maharana Pratap ISBT Kashmere Gate Delhi- 110006 | 20832589 rtiwcd[at]gmail[dot]com |
167. | Office of the Minister (Sh. Gopal Rai) | Brij Mohan Ramani | SO and Nodal Officer | 7th Level, A-Wing,Delhi Secretariat, IP Estate New Delhi | 23392230 brij[dot]mohan34[at]gov[dot]in |
168. | Office of the Minister (Sh. Satyendar Jain) | S P SINGH SISODIA | A.A.O. | Office of the Minister (Sh. Satyendar Jain) 7th Level, A-Wing, Delhi Secretariat, IP Estate New Delhi | 23392116 sp[dot]sisodia32[at]gov[dot]in |
169. | Office of the Minister (Sh. Imran Hussain) | Pahuja | OSD and Nodal Officer | Office of the Minister (Sh. Imran Hussain) 8th Level, A-Wing ,Delhi Secretariat, IP Estate, New Delhi | 23392067 secytofsminister[at]gmail[dot]com |
170. | Office of the Minister (Sh. Rajendra Pal Gautam) | Dalbir Singh Rawat | Gr.II (DASS) and Nodal Officer | Office of the Minister (Sh. Rajendra Pal Gautam) 7th Level , C-Wing,Delhi Secretariat, IP Estate Delhi | 9654818304 dalbir[dot]singh26[at]gov[dot]in |
171. | Office of the Minister (Sh. Kailash Gahlot) | R.K. Saini | O.S and Nodal Officer | Office of the Minister (Sh. Kailash Gahlot) 8th Level, A-Wing,Delhi Secretariat, IP Estate | 23392126 secylm[dot]delhi[at]gov[dot]in |
172. | East Delhi Municipal Corporation | Sudhir Kumar | Admin. Officer and Nodal officer | EDMC(HQ), 419, Udyag Sadan, Patparganj Industrial Area East Delhi | 01166667584 aoedmcct[at]gmail[dot]com |
173. | North Delhi Municipal Corporation | Poonam Gulati | Caretaker | North Delhi Municipal Corporation 2nd Floor Civic Center ADC HQ | 23225232 ao-caretakerndmc[at]mcd[dot]nic[dot]in |
174. | South Delhi Municipal Corporation | Praveen Kumar Sachan | Addl. Dy. Commissioner HQ | South Delhi Municipal Corpotaion DR. S.P.M. CIVIC CENTRE J.L. NEHRU MARG, NEW DELHI | 01123225222 dchq-sdmc[at]mcd[dot]nic[dot]in |
175. | Office of Lokayukta | Satya Parkash | Assistant Director | G-Block, Vikas Bhawan I. P. Estate, New Delhi | 23379070 lokayukta[dot]delhi[at]nic[dot]in |
176. | Delhi Dental Council | DR. GYANENDRA KUMAR | Registrar | 6th Floor, C Block, Vikas Bhawan - II Civil Lines, Delhi - 110054 | 01123814023 registrardelhidentalcouncil[at]gmail[dot]com |
177. | Delhi Cantonment Board | Puspendra Singh | Chief Executive Officer | Delhi Cantonment Board Sadar Bazar Delhi Cantt | 25693837 ceodelhicantt[at]gmail[dot]com |
178. | Chaudhary Brahm Prakash Engineering College | Sh.Sunder Bora | Adhoc-DANICS | Chaudhary Brahm Prakash Engineering College Jaffarpur, Delhi, 110073 | 9810188786 cbpgecj[at]gmail[dot]com |
179. | Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board | Ashwani Kumar | Deputy Director and Nodal officer | Room No 39 DUSIB, Punarwash Bhawan, I.P state New Delhi | 9717999153 rti[dot]dusib[at]gmail[dot]com |
180. | National Law University | S. C. Lather | Deputy Registrar | Delhi National Law University, Delhi Sector-14, Dwarka, New Delhi | 01128034993 info[at]nludelhi[dot]ac[dot]in |
181. | Delhi Institute of Heritage Research & Management | Dr. Sima Yadav | Nodal officer | Delhi Institute of Heritage Research and Mgmt. 18-A, Satsang Vihar Marg, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi | 01126567324 dihrm[dot]rti[at]gmail[dot]com |
182. | Acharya Narendra Dev College | Dr. Pooja Bhagat | Associate Professor | Acharya Narendra Dev College Govindpuri, Kalkaji | 26293224 poojabhagat[at]andc[dot]du[dot]ac[dot]in |
183. | Aditi Mahavidyalaya | Ms Sushma | Assistant Professor | Aditi Mahavidyalaya, university of delhi Auchandi Road,Bawana | 9899144667 Sushma[dot]k2003[at]gmail[dot]com |
184. | B.R. Ambedkar College | Dr. R. P. Dwivedi | Associate Professor | B.R. Ambedkar College main Wazirabad Road, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi, 110094 | 9868068787 rampdwivedi[at]gmail[dot]com |
185. | Bhagini Nivedita College | Alokka Dutta | .Professor | Bhagini Nivedita College, Kair, Near Najafgarh, New Delhi, New Delhi-110043 | 9811984707 bnc[dot]kair[at]gmail[dot]com |
186. | Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Education & Sports Science | Dr. Ashok Kumar Singh | Associate Professor and Nodal officer | 8C samay vihar appartment sec 13 rohini | 9818563563 ashok[dot]singh[at]igipess[dot]du[dot]ac[dot]in |
187. | Keshav Mahavidyalaya | Vinita Jindal | Professor, Dept of Computer Science | Keshav Mahavidyalaya, University of Delhi H-4-5 Zone, Sainik Vihar, Pitampura Pin-110034 | 9810100377 vjindal[at]keshav[dot]du[dot]ac[dot]in |
188. | Maharaja Agrasen College | Dr. Rajhans Kumar | Nodal officer | Maharaja Agrasen College, University of Delhi Vasundhra Enclave | 9811512046 rajhanspahsara[at]gmail[dot]com |
189. | Maharshi Valimiki College of Education | Dr. Satveer Singh Barwal | Assistant Professor | M V College of Education, University of Delh Geeta Cololy | 9810465093 satveerb[at]yahoo[dot]com |
190. | Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women | Deepali Bajaj | Associate Professor | Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women, Vasundhra Enclave, Delhi-96 | 09899291274 deepali[dot]bajaj[at]rajguru[dot]du[dot]ac[dot]in |
191. | Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies | Ms. Kishori Ravi Shankar | Assistant Professor | PSP Area IV Dr. K .N. Katju Marg, Sector16 Rohini | 9968067846 kishorirshankar[at]sscbsdu[dot]ac[dot]in |
192. | G. B. Pant Government Engineering College | Madan Lal | Administrative Officer | G. B. Pant Government Engineering College Okhla Industrial Eatate, Phase-III New Delhi | 9868945597 aogbpec[at]gmail[dot]com |
193. | Sahitya Kala Parishad | Darshan Singh Bisht | Computer Operator | Sahitya Kala Parishad | 9873963852 sahityakalaparishad[at]gmail[dot]com |
194. | Deep Chand Bandhu Hospital | Jyotsna Saini | Medical Officer | Deep Chand Bandhu Hospita Kokiwala Bagh, Ashok Vihar, Phase-IV Delhi | 9968608029 dr[dot]jyotsna2015[at]gmail[dot]com |
195. | Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital | Dr Mihir Verma | Medical Officer | Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital | 01128504100 janakpurijssh[at]yahoo[dot]com |
196. | Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights | V C Joshi | ASO | Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights 5th floor ISBT Building Kashmere Gate Delhi 06 | 9871481334 vcjoshi1963[at]gmail[dot]com |
197. | Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences | Head Operations | Head Operations | Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences Sector D-1, Vasant Kunj New Delhi -110070 | 01146300000 info[at]ilbs[dot]in |
198. | Delhi State Health Mission | Dr Mani Bhatia | State Programme Manager | State Programme Management Unit Delhi State Health Mission 6th Floor B wing Vikas Bhawan II Delhi 54 | 23812902 dshmspm[at]gmail[dot]com |
199. | Directorate of Prosecution | Aditya Trehan | Assistant Public Prosecutor | O/o the Directorate of Prosecution Ist Floor Tis Hazari Court Complex Delhi 54 | 9015398198 trehan[dot]aditya86[at]gov[dot]in |
200. | Shri Dada Dev Matri Svum Shishu Chikitsalaya | Dr Deepmala | Dy. Medical Superintendent | Shri Dada Dev Matri Svum Shishu Chikitsalaya Dabri palam Road New Delhi 45 | 9599291603 drdeepmalakaul[at]gmail[dot]com |
201. | Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University | Bindu Nair | Deputy Registrar | Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University | 01120895111 dy[dot]registrar[at]dseu[dot]ac[dot]in |
202. | Delhi State Cancer Institute | Dr Monica Gupta | Assistant Professor (Onco-Path) | Delhi State Cancer Institutes | 9560390110 mgupta[dot]41[at]gov[dot]in |
203. | Centralised Accident and Trauma Services | Kailash Kapoor | Ambulance Officer | CATS HQs, Near Vijay Ghat, Yamuna Pushta Bela Road Delhi | 9717655773 catsambulance[at]yahoo[dot]com |
204. | Indira Gandhi Hospital | Dr. Smita Malik | Dy. Medical Superintendent (ME and P) | Delhi | 9711060156 Ighdms2[at]gmail[dot]com |
205. | Delhi Medical Council | Shri Kunal Tandon | Computer Operator | Delhi | 01146621000 delhimedicalcouncil[at]gmail[dot]com |
206. | Principal District & Sessions Judge Central District, Tis Hazari Court, Delhi | Er. MOHD SHAKEEL SAIFI | Nodal Officer/System Analyst | O/o Principal District and Sessions Judge (HQs) Central District, Delhi District Court, Tis Hazari Court Delhi | 011-23950919 nodalofficerrti-ct[at]ddc[dot]nic[dot]in |
207. | Principal District & Sessions Judge, Karkardooma Court, East District | Hemant Kumar Sharma | Senior Judicial Assistant | 3rd Floor, Care Taking Branch, East District, Karkardooma Courts | 01122101426 east-rtibr[at]ddc[dot]nic[dot]in |
208. | Principal District & Sessions Judge, Saket Court, South District | Mr. Yazvinder Singh | JA / (B.I.) Computer Branch | Delhi | 9871157670 saketcourts-dl[at]nic[dot]in |
209. | Principal District & Sessions Judge, Rohini Court, North West District | MS. Jasjeet Kaur | ADDITIONAL SESSIONS JUDGE-04 (POCSO) | COURT ROOM NO. 203 ROHINI COURTS, DELHI 110085 | 01127554439 rtinw[dot]ddc[at]gov[dot]in |
210. | Principal District & Sessions Judge, Patiala House Court, New Delhi District | Jyoti Gupta | Senior Judicial Assistant | Delhi | 7011979878 rtibrnd[dot]ddc[at]gov[dot]in |
211. | Principal District & Sessions Judge, Karkardooma Court, North East District | SH ATUL AHLAWAT | Ld. ASJ-FTC, | NORTH-EAST DISTRICT, KARKARDOOMA COURTS | 011-22101433 rtibrne[dot]ddc[at]gov[dot]in |
212. | Principal District & Sessions Judge, Saket Court, South East District | Sh. Amit Choudhary | SJA | Reader in the court of | 8826602549 rtibranch-se[at]delhi[dot]gov[dot]in |
213. | Principal District & Sessions Judge, Rohini Court, North District | Sh. Jagmohan Singh | Ld. ASJ-03, North District Rohini Courts, | Delhi | 01127554416 singhjaggu[at]yahoo[dot]com |
214. | Principal District & Sessions Judge, Dwarka Court, South West District | Ms. Manju Bindra | Sr. Administrative Officer | Room No. 205, Admin. Block, Dwarka Courts | 01128042065 rtibrsw[dot]ddc[at]gov[dot]in |
215. | Principal District & Sessions Judge, Rouse Avenue Court, Central District | Sh. Sanjay Kumar | SJA (B.I.), Computer Branch | Delhi | 9971383398 computer-racc[at]gov[dot]in |
216. | Principal District & Sessions Judge, Karkardooma Court, Shahdara District | Vimla | Judicial Assistant | R and I Branch, 3rd Floor, Shahdara Karkardooma Courts, Delhi-110032 | 9871003103 rtiddc[at]gov[dot]in |
217. | Principal District & Sessions Judge, Tis Hazari Court, West District | Sh. Ankit Mehta | Addl. Sessions Judge (SC-POCSO-02) | Court No.229, 2nd Floor, Tis Hazari Court, Delhi 110054 | 23950919 imehtaankit[at]gmail[dot]com |
218. | Office Of Electricity Ombudsman, GNCTD | Alok Chandra Mishra | Secretary | B 53, Paschimi Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi | 8595841287 elect_ombudsman[at]yahoo[dot]com |
219. | Office of the Minister (Health, water, UD, Industries, I & FC, Services and Vigilance) | Sh M.Guna Sathya | OSD (Admin) | A-wing, 7th Level Delhi Secretariat I.P. Estate, New Delhi 110002 | 9811112701 mgsatya[at]gmail[dot]com |
220. | Municipal Corporation of Delhi | Sh.GAURAV CHATURVEDI | Administrative Officer | Caretaker Deptt. 2nd Floor, Civic Centre, Delhi - 110002 | 23225222 piohqmcd[at]gmail[dot]com |
221. | Police Complaints Authority | Sh. Kuldeep Singh | Deputy. Secretary | Delhi | 9971626369 kuldeep[dot]singh45[at]gov[dot]in |
222. | Mission Swaraj, GNCTD | Sh. Manoj Kumar Bharti | Section Officer | First Floor, B-Wing Vikas BHawan-II, Bela Road, Civil Lines, Delhi - 110054 | 9911919477 mission-swaraj[at]delhi[dot]gov[dot]in |
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